Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What R we about and who we serve

Contact entertainment for christ Ministries been a ministry for about 6 years now. We been ministring to fans of the contact entertainment world of christian believers and non christian believers. With every ministry comes great prices.
"Every body has a price for the Millian Dollar Man!"-Pastor Ted Dibaise.sr

When you minister to people you don't do it for your self. You do it for God and his kingdom, you share his word to help other people live the life. Kinda like what WWE superstar CM.Punk charater is like on T.V. Punk had lived as his gimmick that you should never drink or do drugs and live a pure life. I think CM.Punk has all most got it with the Christian life. The onley thing with CM punk that he didn't get was that Christ is the onley saviour you need to life a pure thought. Thats what Contact Entertainment For Christ Ministries (CE4CM) is showing to show fans, but not onley fans but the Contact Entertainment wrestlers,MMA fighters, and Boxers. That you can have a nice clear and pure life with out the drugs and alcohol, The ONLEY thing that they need is Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Christ can help you get the body you want and that can keep you going in every day life.

He can take the pain away and give you what you need in every day life. CE4CM is working on getting to these major companies and the messege that we have for them and their emplyees. Christians in the Contact Entertainment World have showen alot of their faith in their respected industries.

(H)eart (B)reak (K)id Shawn Micheals- As he goes down the ramp and half ways down he goes on his knees and raises his hands in the air and looks up and sayes "Its not about me, Its all about YOU."

Matt Hughes -on his web site http://www.matt-hughes.com/ he has a banner, he has the Bible verse that sayes "I can do all things in Christ" phil 4:13 and also in his web page he has Bible verses all through out his blogs.

Evander Holyfield- He is very well open to his about his faith when it comes to Interviews. and even when hes in the boxing ring he goes and hugs his oppents and tells them that Jesus loves them.

Those are just a few of the major head liners of their respected industries. There are alot more of them out there just go to our web page of http://www.contactentertainmentforchrist.weebly.com/ for their web pages and other Ministries and even more infos of us and our partners. We are happy to be sharing of what we do and what we show to people around the world. We are growing as a ministry as we grow to other countries of Canada,USA and now Africa and hopen to be growing in other countries that have viewed us. We would love to hear from you at our e-mail address at contactentertainmentforchrist@gmail.com. or if you are on facebook search for us by using CE4CM. and fellow us on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/ce4c and also don't forget our youtube page at http://www.youtube.com/ce4cministries we would love to talk to you if you want the same Jesus as we surve or just to talk of what we do. or any thing even give us your feed backs. Just remember Jesus loves you and so do we.

Thanks for reading.

CE4C founder/ analyst
Derek "D'Rock" Werstiuk